Time is magic, magic is time.
At the beginning was The Moment.
If there is no time, there is no progress.
The first quantity is time.
Time is a life-giving quantity.
Matter is a matter of time.
Matter is a form of time.
Timing is time, time timing.
Sleeping is not something I do a lot of.
Let's win one for the Gipper.
I'm not a Facebook/Twitter gal, but my husband is.
My sister's an actor as well.
My body is a baby machine.
I'm not cheap, I'm thrifty.
Media vita in morte sumus
Easy is not an option!
I'm anti-cheese in a salad.
An elephant is almost a unicorn!
They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!
All fighters are prostitutes and all promoters are pimps.
There are no rules to creativity.