Wenn man nachts nicht schläft, werden Träume wahr.
Amy King is a true bard.
Even this shall pass away
search and read my blog at pankajsundali.blogspot.in
Touch Me, but not with your hands.
Prayer is a state of continual gratitude.
Procrastination is the seed of self-destruction.
What if I said, there was a way
Si mantenemos la palabra, la palabra nos mantendrá.
A one-page breakthrough starts and avalanche.
Simplicity, is the best city to live in...
Oh, the dilemmas of a teenage psychic.
Consent to petting isn't consent to penetration.
i read to escape reality.
One Lifetime is not enough.
People's perception is their reality. That is their truth.
I'm A Speaker, Your A Listener.
REALITY... is what you create!
Reality is what you think.
If we burn you burn with us
God is always loving you.