In short, you are the Whole.
I do not like producers.
Shema Israel Adonai Ehohenu Adonai Echad.
Man is the cruelest animal.
The bite of conscience is indecent.
Man is an imagining being.
Be the flame, not the moth.
There can be no liberty without the law.
I don't keep a journal.
We made love... and sushi.
It is a sin to be poor.
Whatever isn't visionary is diversionary
One does not arrest Voltaire.
It's a finger snapping kind of day.
Don't get old; there is no future in it.
I'm not a conservative of any kind.
The need itself is not the call.
Everyting is as it should be. So am I.
There are no ordinary cats.
Is my coitus whimsically inventive?
Nothing is yet in its true form.