I have a deep compassion for the idea that it's okay to be myself. The idea that anything 'other' is bad and wrong and broken is so wildly off base.
Imprisoned in every fat man a thin man is wildly signaling to be let out.
I now, more and more, appreciate when I'm in a group of good people and get to work in good movies and projects. I'm wildly grateful and appreciative.
My kids have played soccer and baseball and basketball, and the parents who come to games are always saying and doing things that are just wildly inappropriate.
Life is the ultimate artistic masterpiece, and it's up to you, the creator, to make it as wildly dazzling as possible.
She wildly burned for the one she loved and he stood there watching, hoping he too would catch a blaze from the violence stirring in her heart.
All equity categories, correctly calculated, create near-identical lifelong returns. They just get there via wildly differing paths.
I discovered philosophy in my youth when I read 'wildly,' and thus I was exposed to the world of ideas.
Our people, our shareholders, me, Bill Gates, we expect to change the world in every way, to succeed wildly at everything we touch, to have the broadest impact of any company in the world.
I have been wildly enthused about gaming since I was younger, and a career path I chose not to go down but did really consider was getting into programming and game design.
I like to say good dialogue is a million times easier to memorize than bad dialogue - difficult good dialogue, even if it's difficult. Aaron Sorkin dialogue is easier to memorize, even though it's wildly complicated.
What we aspired to in 1998, we have wildly surpassed. And I know we all feel incredibly grateful and lucky this band has been able to have the life that it's had.
Advertising, an art, is constantly besieged and compromised by logicians and technocrats, the scientists of our profession who wildly miss the main point about everything we do…
My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months.
Dale Palmer: [seeing Hank backs the car wildly up the driveway with his father in the car] They shouldn't drive together.
I joined the after-school club, School of Comedy, which progressed wildly, and in quite a Hollywood way. It sounds like 'School of Rock', right up to trying to raise money to pay for a venue in Edinburgh.
I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.
The minute somebody joins a committee... they immediately suffer from committee brain. They become wildly over-enthusiastic, over-optimistic, over-pessimistic. Committees turn people into idiots, and politics is a committee.
It's wonderful to be able to have such wildly different projects in your body of work. They don't feel different to me as I'm working on them. It feels like they all share this element of subversiveness and finding the joy in subversiveness.
It's wildly irritating to have invented something as revolutionary as sarcasm, only to have it abused by amateurs.
I don't really get star-struck, but I do get talent struck. If I meet somebody that I think is just wildly talented and brilliant, that's when I start getting nervous.