Saying of the Prophet The Tongue A man slips with his tongue more than with his feet.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Ink and Blood The ink of the learned is holier than the blood of the martyr.
Caravan of DreamsDefinitions from Mulla Do-Piaza Penitent: Someone who has been made incapable of enjoying himself.
Caravan of DreamsDefinitions from Mulla Do-Piaza A fool: A man trying to be honest with the dishonest.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Obligation to Learn The pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Truth Speaking the truth to the unjust is the best of holy wars.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Practice Who are the learned? Those who put into practice what they know.
Caravan of DreamsDicho del Profeta Distribución Dios es quien otorga; yo tan sólo soy un distribuidor.
Caravan of DreamsCome along. Let’s get out of here and go toast to youth and vampires and rebellion.
The Cure for Dreaming