When you go to sleep, where do you really go?
Blood rushed to the regions of my body that I associated with naughtiness, and I was powerless to stop it.
How do I learn to speak when silence is all I know?
Go huge or why bother?
This wasn't a person, Zuzana thought, this was greed wearing skin.
May you never grow too old to believe in magic and fairy tales.
Once upon a time there was what there was, and if nothing had happened there would be nothing to tell.
How do I go about cataloguing my dreams?
Each person who gets stuck in time gets stuck alone.
Dreams are illustrations...from the book your soul is writing about you.
If the Gods give up on you, will you continue?
Talking, talking. Spinning a web of words, pale walls of dreams, between myself and all I see.
Alexei was a dream of something more... He was a reminder that I could be so much more...
Sooner or later, everybody dreams of other worlds.
The art of living is the art of bringing dreams and reality together.
I can't see the future. But when I dreamed of the future, he was the one I was tied to.
Tonight was about fathers. Vince was going to kill hers for murdering his.
Its not the love that hurts but the scented memories of anticipated dreams of a future together
This is my calling. This is my destiny. I am living my dreams.
A word only writes Its night and rides Its dream.
Like the tail fins on fifties American cars or the parabolic shapes of Populuxe furniture, 'West Side Story' incarnates the dream of momentum in the golden age of the twentieth century.