Drama, can never outrun, outweigh, or outlast Dreams. Dreams, always has hope cheering it on. And Victory, is always waiting at the finish line.
Summer is the time for dreaming, and then you have to stop. But some people go on dreaming all their lives, and cannot change.
I've only wanted paper and beautiful colors. It was my dream, and it still is my dream. And books. They're all I need, and the rest I can do without.
I am a strong believer of faith-filled affirmations. Continue to say what you desire to see until it visualizes in your dreams.
Everybody needs dreams to survive. But dreams need dreamers, and ever since you dared to wake up, I wasn't able to fall asleep again.
I dream for a world which is free of child labour, a world in which every child goes to school. A world in which every child gets his rights.
Never give up. Never give up on your hopes. Never give up on your dreams. Never give up on your visions.
I am committed to my dreams. It does not matter how slow, I am moving towards my dreams, I will get to the finish line.
You can try to please everyone and risk accomplishing nothing, or go for your dreams and risk pissing a few people off.
Dream on it. Let your mind take you to places you would like to go, and then think about it and plan it and celebrate the possibilities. And don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream.
The American dream, to me, means having the opportunity to achieve, because I don't think you should be guaranteed anything other than opportunity.
The threshold of the Dream Act is not high enough. One year of community college is not enough... No, I do not support the Dream Act.
Your dreams will never come true through some kind of magic. They will become reality only through self confidence, determination, dedication and effort
There are only 3 things that can make your dreams come true: your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
You can sleep in a forest and have a nice dream. But when you wake up, you will have a much better dream: The Magnificent Reality!
He who fails to achieve a dream set by himself is more honorable than he who succeeds in achieving a dream set by his society.
I stand before you today as a disciplined conservative Texan, a committed Republican and a proud American, united with you to restoring our nation and revive the American dream.
People who made their dreams come true didn’t simply go after it. They changed the person they were, in order to fit the type of person that would live that type of dream.
When you only know your faults and failures, you allow yourself and others to downgrade your dreams and belittle your wants.
You cannot give up on the American dream. We cannot allow our fears and our disappointments to lead us into silence and into inaction.
Follow through. Make your dreams come true. Don't give up the fight. You will be alright. Cause there's no one like you in the universe