A child is a curly, dimpled lunatic.
Fame is proof that people are gullible.
Love, and you shall be loved.
The poet is the sayer, the namer, and represents beauty.
Teach that God is, not was; that He speaketh, not spake.
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
What we live by we die by.
Man is the inventor of stupidity.
'Happy Feet' has many felicities.
Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them.
Ich schäme mich, auch wenn Du mir verzeihst, oh Herr.
The world is a very abnormal place.
We are the storytelling animal.
The world is always terrible.
Rick Rubin eats no cheese.
I've always been fascinated by weather.
Capitalism unchecked is not a democratic system.
Love sometimes injures. Friendship always benefits
God is as real as mind and the mind is as real as nature.
Vikings don't have faults, they have clubs.
In my beginning is my end.