Harder you Try, Luckier you get
Baseless victimhood is usually the last stage before outright aggression.
You can't run from your roots.
Fat is a way of saying no to powerlessness and self-denial.
No treaty is ever an impediment to a cheat.
No enemy is worse than bad advice.
Foolishness is indeed the sister of wickedness.
Not even Ares battles against necessity.
When trouble ends even troubles please.
No man loves the bearer of bad tidings.
It's impossible to speak what it is not noble to do.
There is no place for grief in a house which serves the Muse.
You hold substance in my psyche
The West sees Iran as an important force in the gulf.
I will come back to India - so deal with it.
Sorrow makes an ugly face odious.
Honeymoon lasts not nowadays above a fortnight.
The pleasures of the mighty are obtained by the tears of the poor.
I was shot in the wrist when I was a kid. Deliberately.
I write fast. I'm one of the lucky ones.
The biographer has two lives: The one she leads, and the one she ultimately understands.