Reading is never a waste of time.
What we can imagine we can make real
Siapakah yang tahu rahasia para dewa kalau bukan kaum brahmana?
Orang berilmu, berpengetahuan, dan berbakat itu tak boleh punah.
Pengertian adalah hidup. Hidup adalah dihidupi dan menghidupi.
Dalam pencurian dan pembunuhan tidak pernah ada ampun.
Well, that's an evil smile...
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yadda yadda yadda.
Iggy. This is not a democracy," I said,(...)"It's a Maxocracy.
All water is holy water.
I’ve always been a sucker for the beautiful and the batshit.
Jen, we did it. Everyone's free now.
Knock yourself out... Or rather, don't.
Everyone develops a tolerance to happiness.
Stars and shadows ain't good to see by.
Rumours voiced by women come to nothing.
I want to Live! Not Die, Not Hide, LIVE!
It ain't brave if you ain't scared.
Nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted.
Fucking bastards are simple by nature.
Wisdom. . .is knowing what you have to accept.