A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother.
One often calms one's grief by recounting it.
All sympathy not consistent with acknowledged virtue is but disguised selfishness.
Excessive sorrow laughs. Excessive joy weeps.
I'm lucky I had some teachers who saw something in me.
'Rabbi' means 'teacher,' and I see the role of chief rabbi as chief teacher.
Let's reintroduce corporal punishment in the schools - and use it on the teachers.
My father's a preacher, my mother's a teacher, thus I rhyme.
The weekends are really important to me; the use of technology is really important to me.
I'm remote from most technology to the point that I'm kind of Amish.
Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible.
Technology will eventually destroy the way schools are run now.
Today, technology is moving faster than the research establishment.
Technology helped end communism by bringing in information from the outside.
YouTube is akin to having my own network.
I have no useful theories about love and marriage.
Our hours in love have wings; in absence, crutches.
Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.
Love is the silent saying and saying of a single name.
Love is a reciprocal torture.
Love as if you liked yourself, and it may happen.