Every decision you make is a mistake.
Browning's tragedies are tragedies without villains.
Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.
A wounded deer leaps the highest.
Saying nothing... sometimes says the most.
Finite to fail, but infinite to venture.
They are not long, the days of wine and roses.
Art is vice. You don't wed it, you rape it.
The possible's slow fuse is lit by the Imagination.
your brain is wider than the sky
Till I loved I never lived.
Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul...
A wounded dear leaps the highest
A sister is both your mirror - and your opposite.
I'm a holy man minus the holiness.
Hundreds would die, but not the thing they died for.
All the legislation in the world will not abolish kissing.
I really try to focus on my books and readers.
Moderation has never yet engineered an explosion
Secrets are things we give to others to keep for us.
In order to have friends, you must first be one.