To become what we are capable of becoming is the only end in life.
Life is never easy for those who dream.
All men have one entrance into life, and the like going out.
Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions.
Life Among the Savages is a disrespectful memoir of my children.
Each life makes its own immitation of immortality.
Not knowing anything is the sweetest life.
Anxiety has afflicted me all my life.
I will ge glad to have done with this life forever.
The day my son was born my life changed completely.
There is no black-and-white situation. It's all part of life. Highs, lows, middles.
I like a quiet life.
Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.
Broadway is a main artery of New York life - the hardened artery.
'Life of Pi' was actually a very simple novel to write.
What is writing but an expression of my own life?
You discover yourself through the research of your work.
A child's learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher.
Full-blooded romantic love I wouldn't be able to write about.
I both love and do not love; and am mad and not mad.
Like most authors, I also love to read.