Love is flower like; Friendship is like a sheltering tree.
True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks.
You win the victory when you yield to friends.
Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear.
When there is nothing to fear is the time to begin fearing everything.
Your children don't have to fear you to respect you.
Minds that are ill at ease are agitated by both hope and fear.
That common cold of the male psyche, fear of commitment.
Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate.
The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.
I live and love in God's peculiar light.
The love of heaven makes one heavenly.
You need imagination in order to imagine a future that doesn't exist.
When did the future switch from being a promise to a threat?
Futurists don't consider overpopulation one of the issues of the future. They consider it the issue of the future.
The future and eternity are two entirely different things.
A healthy vision of the future is not possible without an accurate knowledge of the past.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
Republicans are men of narrow vision, who are afraid of the future.
Technology and robotics are advancing and will reduce the need for workers in the future.
The country that is more developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image of its own future.