Words are the small change of thought.
You never have to change a book for budget.
To change, to convert? Why bother?
Opinions are made to be changed - or how is truth to be got at?
Writing is hard work and bad for the health.
Events at home, at work, in the street - these are the bases for a story.
It seems as if life and hope must cease together.
Of all ills that one endures, hope is a cheap and universal cure.
We hope the world will act in the spirit of enlightened self-interest.
I like all kinds of music. I hope you do, too.
If one truly has lost hope, one would not be on hand to say so.
If the skies fall, one may hope to catch larks.
Where the mind is past hope, the heart is past shame.
My characters hope for better lives.
You believe that easily which you hope for earnestly.
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.
The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment.
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.
I don't think that sin and pursuing happiness are not necessarily the same thing.
Those who seek happiness miss it, and those who discuss it, lack it.
Happiness comes from... some curious adjustment to life.