Only write if you can't not.
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive.
The expression of divinity is in variety.
Relics are treasured as something close to the divine.
What are you hiding? No one ever asks that.
We live in a culture of destructive transparency.
I don't actually go to newsstands anymore.
There is nobody more boring than the undefeated.
What is nothing to you, can be love to me
Evening fashions have to be fabulous.Don't be just the BEST.
Tel Aviv appeals to me.
Who laughs less than feminists?
Real progress comes from people.
No plan survives contact with the enemy.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
Faults are beauties in a lover's eye.
And yet to every bad there is a worse.
Experience is as to intensity and not as to duration.
Hip-hop isn't as complex as a woman is.
And I was very interested in the priesthood.
My stories are character driven.