The problem is that it is difficult to translate.
she died of internal weeping
Blush like you mean it
All of my books come from pain.
Al Qaeda is closely aligned with the Chechens.
Apes are apes, though clothed in scarlet.
Indeed there's a woundy luck in names.
The first sentence of a book is a promise.
I don't, for the record, have a Tweety Bird fetish.
The Army was my bread and butter.
Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.
Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.
Democracy belongs to those who exercise it.
Ice cream is my vice.
All women are beautiful; it's society who’s ugly.
Fablehaven's awesome!!so is the candy shop war!
I'm proud to call myself a Mashable alumnus.
It is very difficult to generalise. Everyone's adventure is original.
Eternity ended ten years ago.
Everything for me becomes allegory.
Let your performance do the thinking.