What has happened to America's survival instincts?
I converse with my dog through ESP.
It's hard to be ambitious if you're content, isn't it?
Where there is no temple there shall be no homes.
How can you stop writing?
Don't that make your bosom plim?
Once you're signed to a label you compromise.
People express their arrogance in their failed expectations.
I'm not an angry woman. I'm not bitter.
He was a rake among scholars, and a scholar among rakes.
The waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity.
It's harder to heal than it is to kill.
Why should things be easy to understand?
To touch a sore is to renew one's grief.
By daily dying, I have come to be.
Unhappiness is the ultimate form of self-indulgence.
What grace I have is enough.
Dreams last so long, even after you're gone
If you can be anything else but a writer, be it.
I like to think of myself as a storyteller.