Writing that's not working for a living.
I don't do research. I never have.
Suspense is worse than disappointment.
I want to be the Bob DeNiro of the Jurassic.
Nobody does anything for one reason.
Life is mysterious as well as vulgar.
I deliberately made an effort not to become an expert on the ballet.
Libraries are where it all begins.
A Librettist is a mere drudge in the world of opera.
The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.
Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words.
People only see what they are prepared to see.
Every hero becomes a bore at last.
9/11 was a terrible, horrific, tragic day.
I don't look for good-news stories or bad-news stories.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a fundamentalist group.
Under Islamic law, adoption is difficult.
Ein Freund ist ein Mensch, vor dem man laut denken kann.
A man is known by the books he reads.
The only true gift is a portion of thyself.