Try to remember some details. For the world is filled with people who were torn from their sleep with no one to mend the tear, and unlike wild beasts they live each in his lonely hiding place and they die together on battlefields and in hospitals. An...
The Law is hard, but it is the Law.
She's using me. And I like it.
Director of Ensuring the Future
The most reckless thing of all.
Gold is the corpse of value...
Aşk; hayatın tümü demek değildir.
Marriage converts a player into a polygamist.
Not all tongues that wag cohabit with a brain.
A lamb in a city of wolves.
Histories are instruments of oppression.
That's so cute! They have birdbaths in the church!
Into the sky to win or die.
Poets can dodge. ("Evening Primrose")
A pier is a disappointed bridge.
Has Solan addled your brain?
With eye and hand and breath and will.
No more half-truths. No more omissions.
Thoughts are king, Trixie, king!
Change--savor the cool, fresh flavor of it.
We live as we dream--alone....