A mind grows by what it feeds on.
Life is serious but art is fun!
My witness is the empty sky.
Kids are anarchy writ large.
Folks never understand the folks they hate.
Rehearsals make a huge difference.
Shakespeare is like mother's milk to me.
Life is made up of marble and mud.
What we imagine is order is merely the prevailing form of chaos.
Scientists have to have a metaphor. All scientists start with imagination.
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.
The faking of feelings is a sin against the imagination.
I find love from time to time.
Ideas move rapidly when their time comes.
By the time a partnership dissolves, it has dissolved.
Our time on Earth is so random.
There is no greater harm than that of time wasted.
Polemical debates happen all the time in France.
To be honest, I haven't had a lot of time off.
Time, the devourer of all things.
Time, motion and wine cause sleep.