Guilt starts as a feeling of failure.
The Bible is a sanctum; the world, sputum.
Evil is the starry sky of the Good.
The artificial is always innocent.
At first, it's unfamiliar, then it strikes root.
The human soul is an abyss
Mejor no fluir en la vida, mejor secarse de tanto soñar.
I have no intention of running for office again.
I like critics with strong opinions.
Critics should stick to their convictions.
The soul has no gender.
Don't classify me, read me.
The real bombs are my books, not me.
The adjective is the banana peel of the parts of speech.
There are not so many mythical creatures from Inkheart.
Instead of me chasing my dreams, my dreams are chasing me.
It 's the time of year when Canadians mate.
I'm almost numb to misogyny at this point. It's just everywhere.
Fairness through leveling is the essence of Obamaism.
There is such a thing as a national conscience, and it can be touched.
Wishing for control is like wishing for the rapture.