Temptation is an irresistible force at work on a movable body.
The work is a calling. It demands that type of obsession.
Writing is the hardest physical work there is.
Women in Somalia face almost unimaginable oppression.
Women have a special corner of their hearts for sins they have never committed.
All my friends' mothers were appalling women.
There are few virtuous women who are not bored with their trade.
It is not a woman I want - it is all women.
Today's girls are tomorrow's women - and leaders.
For women's tears are but the sweat of eyes.
I'm too young for Medicare and too old for women to care.
Leave women to find their sphere.
Most women are not as young as they are painted.
I've been called the Women's Auxiliary of the Brat Pack.
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.
Women are used to worrying over trifles.
Women's Lib? I couldn't stand it.
War is a perversion of sex.
War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory.
War is the ultimate reality-based horror show.
War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory.