Sympathy is the first condition of criticism.
That is a secondary teacher conception - the writer as an observer.
I wanted to become a kindergarten teacher like my mother.
Gastronomy has to catch up to the evolution in technology.
Fortune and love favor the brave.
Love is a kind of warfare.
Love is a credulous thing.
Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.
We love things we love what they are.
Love is not a volunteer thing.
I love living in London.
Lovers quarrels are the renewal of love.
He has Van Gogh's ear for music.
Most music careers slowly but surely go down.
Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.
The truth is that men are tired of liberty.
Men and women aren't too dissimilar.
Men's vows are women's traitors!
Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.
Accident counts for as much in companionship as in marriage.
Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.