This world has seen the birth of several strange animals.
Emilie přicházàke mně ve snuSometimes I think the human animal doesn't really need food or water to survive, only gossip.
A Fraction of the Whole... instead of spelling stories you spread silence, which was outside the alphabet.
The $60,000 Dog: My Life with Animals...the clear water the color of deeply steeped tea, surrounded by cattails and gracile grasses.
The $60,000 Dog: My Life with AnimalsSigh like the wind--open your arms, your chest, your heart--and all creatures will hum to you.
Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic CommunicationOften, the human animal dresses terror in rage, and expresses both in a way unlike either.
The Autobiography of GodAt the end of time when God judges us humans, I just hope He remembers to judge Himself as well.
Animal's People