Who is tired of happy days, let him take a wife.
Because he killed his wife he took shelter with his in-laws.
As soon as a man gets new trousers, he thinks about a new wife.
The wife is twice precious only; when led into the house, and when taken out.
Why marry, when your neighbor's wife is ready to go to bed with you?
If you have nothing better to do, go to bed with your own wife.
Three things drive a man outdoors; smoke, a leaking roof and a scolding wife.
[flashback] Leonard Shelby: How can you read that again? Leonard's Wife: It's good. Leonard Shelby: Yeah, but you read it like a thousand times. Leonard's Wife: I enjoy it. Leonard Shelby: I always thought the pleasure of a book was wanting to know w...
A woman has to change her nature if she is to be a wife. She has to learn to curb her tongue, to suppress her desires, to moderate her thoughts and to spend her days putting another first. She has to put him first even when she longs to serve herself...
He who heeds the first word of his wife must listen forever to the second.
Don't trust your wife until she has borne you ten sons.
The idiot who has his eye on your wife is like a blood sucking fly.
If you lose your wife and fifteen pennies -- oh ! what a pity about the money.
Never take a wife till you know what to do with her.
The fool castrates himself in order that he could accuse his pregnant wife of adultery.
Only take away the wife of a strong man when he is out.
A salary is, to a man's employer, what his wife's vagina is to his wife: a tool used to (1) reward; and (2) control him.
We have to understand that to rejoice is to do something, not to feel something” (p. 44).
..but it seemed to him that the tie between husband and wife, if breakable in prosperity, should be indissoluble in misfortune.
Honesty, like any inclination, can become a ruling passion, a monomania almost.
Time is like a barber, it shears you first and then shows you your own face in the mirror. (Marrying Nusrat)