Grumpy: Angel, ha! She's a female! And all females is poison! They're full of wicked wiles! Bashful: What are wicked wiles? Grumpy: I don't know, but I'm agin' 'em.
The real thing about evil," said the Witch at the doorway, "isn't any of what you said. You figure out one side of it - the human side, say - and the eternal side goes into shadow. Or vice versa. It's like the old saw: What does a dragon in its shell...
He lingered at the door, and said, 'The Lion wants courage, the Tin Man a heart, and the Scarecrow brains. Dorothy wants to go home. What do you want?'... She couldn't say not to Liir. She started to say 'a soldier,' to make fun of his mooning affect...
God, how we get our fingers in each other's clay. That's friendship, each playing the potter to see what shapes we can make of each other.
Not at all. You look as though magic has taken hold of you. It must be magic because I don't know how you can draw like that. I can barely manage a stick figure.
I've decided that I'm going to collect as many spiders in a jar as I can and then pour them all over you, William Flecter. Seeing as how it's good to face your fears.
My hate is general, I detest all men; Some because they are wicked and do evil, Others because they tolerate the wicked, Refusing them the active vigorous scorn Which vice should stimulate in virtuous minds.
It's good to learn early that every show is a family---complete with dysfunctional relationships, tough love, and plenty of occasion for forgiveness...
What is on that memory stick, if you don’t mind me asking?” She was following him back into his apartment when he asked, and realized she still clutched it. “Something I never want to see again.
It's true what they say, Love is a wicked game, A game so wickedly played, I am at your command in your wicked games.
God save me ere I have any babies. They are grabby, clingy creatures who steal your figure and always want a ribbon or a wooden sword. And who sometimes make you die bearing them.
Wicked Witch of the West: And now, my beauties, something with poison in it, I think. With poison in it, but attractive to the eye, and soothing to the smell. [cackles] Wicked Witch of the West: Poppies... Poppies. Poppies will put them to sleep. Sle...
The victim is always morally superior to the master; that is the victim's ambivalent triumph. That is why there have been so few notoriously wicked women in comparison to the number of notoriously wicked men; our victim status ensures that we rarely ...
They said there was no rest for the wicked. In fact, there was rest neither for the virtuous nor the wicked, nor for guys like Billy, who were uncommitted regarding the whole idea of virtue versus wickedness and who were just trying to do their jobs.
It wasn't like that, darlin'." [Darcy] said quickly. "I swear on my mother's soul it wasn't!" Bronte bit her lip, trying not to smile. "Your mother is still living, is she not?" Darcy grinned sheepishly. "Yes, but…just the same.
I felt accepted for who I was. I didn't have to sort the words in my head first, making sure they were socially acceptable before I said them. I groped around for a word that fit. Peace. I felt peaceful.
Truthfully, wicked people reveal themselves in words first, to inhibit speech would inhibit us seeing the wicked before they act.
By some miracle, Charlotte's polite smile never wavered. It was a proud moment for her. After all, it wasn't every day that a little old lady told you right to your face that your bosom was as flat as a flounder.
Wicked Witch of the West: Who killed my sister? Who killed the Witch of the East? Was it you? Dorothy: No, no. It was an accident. I didn't mean to kill anybody. Wicked Witch of the West: Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents, too!
I have been sworn against by perjured and wicked people.
You could say that Elphaba brought us together,' said Boq softly. 'I'm closer to her and so I'm closer to you.' Galinda seemed to give up. She leaned her head back on the velvet cushions of the swing and said, 'Boq, you know despite myself I think yo...