Captain of the Winkie Guard: [after the Wicked Witch has melted] She's... She's dead. You killed her. Dorothy: I didn't mean to kill her. Really, I didn't. It's just that he was on fire. Captain of the Winkie Guard: Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch ...
I may not be sure if monsters exist, but I’d rather live my life in doubt than be persuaded by a real experience of one.
What's big, thick, makes the earth move, and wants to have its way with you?" "I don't know, but can you introduce me?
But she woke up just then, and in the moonlight covered herself with a blanket. She smiled at him drowsily and called him "Yero, my hero," and that melted his heart.
I like the sound of words, but I don't ever really expect my slow, slanted impression of the world to change by what I read.
Burn them all, little dragon.
No man ever became wicked all at once.
Evil angels make the best boyfriends.
Good to evil seems evil
Charming. We're going to be murdered in our beds.
God has a most wicked sense of humor.
Staring at a world too horrible to comprehend, believing -- by dint of ignorance and innocence -- that beneath this unbearable contract of guilt and blame there is always an older contract that may bind and release in a more salutary way.
People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.
The real thing about evil… you figure out one side of it - the human side, say - and the eternal side goes into shadow. Or vice versa. The real disaster of this inquiry is that it is the nature of evil to be secret.
The overdressed traveler betrays more interest in being seen than in seeing, while the true traveler knows that the novel world about her serves as the most appropriate accessory.
Loose tongues are worse than wicked hands.
Men who give up the common goal of all things that exist, thereby cease to exist themselves. Some may perhaps think it strange that we say that wicked men, who form the majority of men, do not exist; but that is how it is. I am not trying to deny the...
Evil is an act, not an appetite. How many haven't wanted to slash the throat of some boor across the dining room table? Present company excepted of course. Everyone has the appetite. If you give in to it, it, that act is evil. The appetite is normal.
Cross a man and you struggle, one of you wins, you adjust and go on - or you lie there dead. Cross a woman and the universe is changed, once again, for cold anger requires an eternal vigilance in all matters of slight and offense
As the first hard drops of rain fell, the Witch caught sight, not of the girl's face, but of the shoes. Her sister's shoes. They sparkled even in the darkening afternoon. They sparkled like yellow diamonds, and embers of blood, and thorny stars.
Do you expect to learn anything at Shiz?” he asked. “I have already learned not to speak to strangers.” “Then I will introduce myself and we will be strangers no longer. I am Dillamond.” “I am disinclined to know you.