I never think it's right to chew gum in front of other people, but a lot of times I'll come in for a meeting chewing gum and I'll forget I'm chewing it. Then you don't want to swallow it because it stays in your system for seven years or something, s...
Jack Jordan: I'm gonna turn myself in. Marianne Jordan: What? Why would you do that, Jack? Jack Jordan: It's my duty. Marianne Jordan: Your duty's to your family! Jack Jordan: My duty's to God.
Selena: What's up? Jim: Nothin'. Got a headache. Selena: Bad? Jim: Yeah, it's pretty bad. Selena: Well, why didn't you say anything before? Jim: Well, because I didn't think you'd give a shit.
Congressman: Now Jim, people in my state keep asking why we're continuing to fund this program now that we've beaten the Russians to the moon. Jim Lovell: Imagine if Christopher Columbus had come back from the New World and no one returned in his foo...
Bernadette: [to Shirley] Now listen here, you mullet. Why don't you just light your tampon, and blow your box apart? Because it's the only bang you're ever gonna get, sweetheart!
William Miller: What about your mom? Penny Lane: She always said, "Marry up. Marry someone grand". And that's why she named me "Lady". William Miller: She named you "Lady?" Penny Lane: [makes a face] Lady Goodman.
[Explaining to Elaine why they shouldn't be married] Mortimer Brewster: You wouldn't want to have children with three heads, would you? I mean, you wouldn't want to set up housekeeping in a padded cell. Oh, it would be bad.
Patrick Bateman: I think, um, Evelyn that, uh, we've lost touch. Evelyn Williams: Why? What's wrong? Patrick Bateman: My need to engage in homicidal behaviour on a massive scale cannot be corrected but, uh, I have no other way to fulfill my needs.
Walrus: The time has come, my little friends, to talk of other things / Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings / And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings / Calloo, Callay, come run away / With the cabbages and ki...
Belle: Gaston, you are positively primeval. Gaston: Why thank you, Belle. What would you say if you and I took a walk over to the tavern and took a look at my trophies? Belle: Maybe some other time.
Claire Standish: Why didn't you want me to know that you are a virgin? Brian Johnson: Because it's my business - my personal business. John Bender: Well, Brian, it doesn't sound like you're doing any business.
Maddy Bowen: The world is falling apart and all we hear about is blowjob-gate. Danny Archer: When was the last time the world wasn't falling apart, huh? Maddy Bowen: Uh, a cynic. Why don't you sit down and make me miserable?
[Jamie Smith bounces a basketball on the table where Eversman is working] Eversmann: What the fuck, Smith? Smith: Well? Eversmann: "Well" what? Smith: We going out? Eversmann: Why should I tell you? Smith: Because I'm me!
Marty McFly: Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean? Dr. Emmett Brown: The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some *style?*
Gabriel: Are you at all afraid that people will say you're doing this play to battle the impression that you're a washed up superhero...? Riggan: No, absolutely not. Absolutely not. That's why 20 years ago I said no to Birdman 4.
Thomas: She isn't my wife, really. We just have some kids. No, no kids, not even kids. Sometimes, though, it feels as if we had kids. She isn't beautiful, she's... easy to live with. No, she isn't. That's why I don't live with her.
Buck Swope: You're not being fair. This isn't fair. Loan Officer: This financial institution cannot endorse pornography. Buck Swope: Stop saying pornography! Why are you doing this to me? I am an actor. I am an actor.
Lili Von Shtupp: Hello, cowboy. What's your name? Tex: Tex, ma'am! Lili Von Shtupp: "Texmam"? Tell me, Texmam, are you in show business? Tex: Well, no... Lilly von Schtupp: Then why don't you get your fwiggin' feet off the stage?
[On why he can't dance] Gerry Fleck: I can't dance, I can't dance, I've got two left feet! Cookie Fleck: I thought he was kidding. Gerry Fleck: But I wasn't. I was born with two left feet.
Thousands of desires, each worth dying for... Many of them I have realized...yet I yearn for more... Why should my killer (lover) be afraid? No one will hold her responsible, For the blood which will continuously flow through my eyes all my life.
I developed a prejudice in high school that it was all going to be boring. That kind of teenage, why-do-I-have-to-read-these-goddamn-classics feeling. And then you discover that the classics are classics because they're lively. They don't stick aroun...