When you do a first movie, you're contractually supposed to do the second one and then you don't do it, you become an executive producer. That's why there are a ton of directors who have executive producer credits on other movies.
So, I was sitting there and I watched 'Paranormal Activity' and I was like, 'Boy, white people do dumb stuff in movies.' So I was like, 'Why don't they just leave the house... What if paranormal activity happened to a black couple?'
Scaring someone's the hardest thing to do, and that's why most of these scary movies are not scary. They're sick, but not scary. There's a lot of sickness out there, of people who then sit there and watch it, which I think is absolutely dismaying.
What you have with the Bond movies is this character gliding over everything. The fact nothing touches him is why we all want to be him. But it also makes him a sort of superman who in the end you don't really relate to.
It's always uncomfortable for me when I take off my shirt. No one else is taking their shift off. Why is everyone else in these movies bundled up in layers of clothing and I'm taking my clothes off all the time?
Jim: No, no. No, see, this is a really shit idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a shit idea.
Writer: Why piece together the tatters of your life - the vague memories, the faces... the people you never knew how to love?
Street Pickup: Why don't you just go home? Paul Hackett: Pal, I've been asking myself that all night.
Julie: Hey Paul, do you like my hairdo? Paul Hackett: Yes... yes, I do. Julie: Then why don't you touch it?
Rose Sayer: [after travelling through the rapids] Now that I've had a taste of it I don't wonder why you love boating.
Wanda Maximoff: Is that why you've come, to end the Avengers? Ultron: I've come to save the world! But, also... yeah.
Jake Sully: Yeah, why save me? Neytiri: You have a strong heart, no fear. But stupid, ignorant like a child.
Alfred Pennyworth: Why bats, Master Wayne? Bruce Wayne: Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread.
Henri Ducard: Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share. Bruce Wayne: That's why it's so important. It separates us from them.
Bonnie Parker: [Bonnie to Buck and Blanche] Why don't y'all go back to your *own* cabin, if you want to play with C.W.
Maddy Bowen: The entire country's at war. Why should I help this one person? [pause] Maddy Bowen: I can't believe I just said that.
Marie: [to Ray and Harry] Why don't you both put your guns down, and go home? Harry: Don't be stupid. This is the shootout.
Bart: Checkmate. Jim: What? Bart: Checkmate. Jim: Why, you devious son of a bitch. [picking up his whiskey bottle] Jim: Happy days.
As far as 'Birdsong' is concerned, I think the television program made a very honorable attempt at it, but the truth of the matter is that adaptations of long, ambitious books very seldom transfer well to the screen, and why would they?
I cringe at backstory. Because it never quite explains or gets into some psychological thing that is never quite right and never quite the truth and who knows why someone is some way.
I want parents out there to know that it's totally natural for kids to make believe and play games. It does not mean your child is going to be transgendered. And even if it were true, why is it such a horrible thing?