We are built to be effective animals, not happy ones.
The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary PsychologyWhy do you hate me so much? To be honest, I don't know why, but I really hate to feel this way.
Master of StupidityFaith is why I'm here today and faith is why I made it through.
Neglected But Undefeated: The Life Of A Boy Who Never Knew A Mother's LoveBen, why should anybody want that much power?" "Why does a moth fly toward light?
Stranger in a Strange LandWho is willing to suffer for a Savior they won't even trouble themselves to learn about?
Theological Fitness: Why We Need a Fighting FaithCompanies aren’t families. They’re battlefields in a civil war.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and BusinessEverything is a drive-thru. You just have to aim really fast
And That’s Why I’m SingleDate rape is just plain moronic when you consider how slutty figs are
And That’s Why I’m SingleDoes speed dating necessarily end up in a quickie divorce....?
And That’s Why I’m SingleI hate carrying a torch, which is weird because otherwise I'm such a pyromaniac
And That’s Why I’m SingleYesterday was not your defining moment. The calendar moved forward; why not you?
Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience