Sean: Look, if you're gonna jerk off, why don't you do it at home with a moist towel?
Good Will HuntingNicholas Angel: Why are you wearing a police officer's uniform? Danny Butterman: 'Cause I am one?
Hot FuzzMr. Chow: Oh yeah? Why dont you suck on these little Chinese nuts? [grabs his nuts with both hands]
The HangoverSigrid: Da? Why are there dwarves coming out our toilet? Tilda: Will they bring us luck?
The Hobbit: The Desolation of SmaugGeorge Bailey: You call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids?
It's a Wonderful LifeDenethor: Why do the fools fly? Better to die sooner than late. For die we must.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingSmeagol: Naughty little fly, Why does it cry, Caught in a web, Soon to be... eaten!
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King