Don't bother me while I'm eating, or when I'm coming out of the crackhouse or something. Just let me get going.
In North Carolina nobody bothers us; we're all about concentrating on the work or our auditions that we're trying to get a flight out for. So all that crap is not something that I'm confronted with on a daily basis.
Bertie’s gaze fell there and his blue eyes widened. “Deuce take you, Jess,” he said crossly. “Can’t a fellow trust you for a moment? How many times do I have to tell you to leave my friends alone?” Miss Trent coolly withdrew her hand. Tre...
In other words, I have tried to learn in my writing a monastic lesson I could probably not have learned otherwise: to let go of my idea of myself, to take myself with more than one grain of salt... In religious terms, this is simply a matter of accep...
You try hard, but you don't succeed.. So you try harder, and harder... But you still just don't succeed, you give it a try once more; only realising its never going to work out the way you want it to. But then again, you remember; you've tried so muc...
Bill Brousard: None of their testimony is gonna hold up in court, Chief. Hell all three of them have reputations as low as crocodile piss. Jim Garrison: That bother you, Bill? I always wonder why it is in court if a woman's a prostitute she has to ha...
Michael: What's wrong now? Hanna Schmitz: Nothing's wrong. Nothing. Michael: You know, you never ask. You never bother to ask how *I* am! Hanna Schmitz: You never say. Michael: It just happens to be my birthday. It's my birthday, that's all! In fact,...
The cost for my survival must have been hundreds of millions of dollars. All to save one dorky botanist. Why bother? Well, okay. I know the answer to that. Part of it might be what I represent: progress, science, and the interplanetary future we've d...
Why? is the boy's motto, why does, why is, why not? Food, weather, time, fires, sea and season, clothes and cars and people; it's all grist to the mill of why.
Why?' He kept asking in his sweetly belling voice, its tone as pure as marbles swirled around a crystal pail. Why him wun up the tree? Why him nest up theah? Why him gadder nuts? Why? Why? Why? And Billy answering every question to the best of his ab...
Why is it so important - what others have done? Why does it become sacred by the mere fact of not being your own? Why is anyone and everyone right - so long as it's not yourself? Why does the number of those others take the place of truth? Why is tru...
I never question God. Sometimes I say, 'Why me? Why do I have such a hard life? Why do I have this disease? Why do I have siblings who died?' But then I think and say, 'Why not me?'
A man combs his hair every morning -- why not his heart?
Oh, man, why is this the life? Why is it? Why is one rich and the other poor? Why is one black and the other white?
Why can't life be easy, why can't love be just wonderful, why can't math be counting 1,2,3 Why it can't be you and me..?
I have no idea what time it is in London, and have had too much wine to bother with the math to figure it out.
The artist says to the cosmos: All I ask is infinite love-is that so very wrong? And the cosmos doesn't even bother to respond.
It bothers me when people have no problem paying for all they can eat but have problems investing in all they can be.
You'd better close those lips before I'm tempted to kiss them and give you something to be all hot and bothered about.
Etta, it could be everything, it could be nothing, what you’re making up. You shouldn’t let that bother you.
Bob Dylan is quite a songwriter, and a great singer and musician. I won't bother with comparing myself to him, but I will say that I heard his records at a very young age and I still listen to all his records.