I could care less about being an action actor like Stallone or Schwarzenegger.
God will reward you,' he said. 'You must be an angel since you care for flowers.
Don't care too much about life, in time you'll learn to know yourself better and better.
Treat your parents with loving care for you will only know their values when you see their empty chair.
You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there.
It's just that what's important there is different there than what's important is here. Here, people care that you wrote a book or that you work in the media.
I have plenty of invitations to go places, lots to do. If I'm not working, I go to have my hair taken care of and work at needlepoint.
Nearly one in ten Americans are still out of work. And still, the President and Congress are focused on ramming through their health-care bill, whatever it takes, whatever the cost.
Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. The average working man can support no more and and the average working woman can take care of no more in decent fashion.
Texas really is the greatest state in the greatest nation. Texans - and women all over the country - deserve leaders that care, that listen, and that work to protect their interests.
It is now conventional wisdom that Americans do not care why we went to war in Iraq, that it is enough that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.
We say that we care about the war, but we don't even really know what we're fighting for.
Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble.
Acel gest simbolic de a o întrona pe Déesse Raison la Notre-Dame pare să fi însemnat pentru lumea apuseană ceva asemănător cu tăierea Stejarilor lui Wotan de către misionarii creştini, căci nici atunci, nici acum, fulgerul răzbunător nu ...
Țăranii, în orice caz cei cu oarecare stare, nu aveau niciun motiv să se lase atrași de ideologia comunistă: doreau să-și rotunjească proprietățile, nicidecum să le piardă; țăranii săraci, pe de altă parte, erau și teribil de inclu�...
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
I've always believed in populating my films with characters who we like, who we have some warmth for, who have warmth for each other, who we would like to hang out with, who we emulate in one way or another.
Who values the past lives sentimentally. Who optimizes the present grabs opportunity. Who balances time creates harmony. Who disturbs harmony leads complexity. Who solves complexity opens continuity.
But the fantasy kingdom and trappings of success soon lost their luster, as I discovered that the most prestigious and remunerative of my resume's way stations was also the most tedious and unfulfilling I had ever experienced. This paradox only made ...
Empathy isn't just something that happens to us - a meteor shower of synapses firing across the brain - it's also a choice we make: to pay attention, to extend ourselves. It's made of exertion, that dowdier cousin of impulse. Sometimes we care for an...