And if life be, as it surely is, a problem to me, I am no less a problem to life.
I am still in shock and awe at being fired.
I am an Armani and a Dolce & Gabbana kind of a person.
I am a fictionalizing philosopher, not a novelist.
And living in Australia I am relatively well off.
As unhealthy as I am, I'm weirdly aware of exactly how my body functions.
I am sustained by the tranquility of an upright and loyal heart.
I am from small town but not with small dreams.
I am the one constant obstacle to my own momentum.
I am myself of a mixed background.
I am always stimulated by people. Almost never by ideas.
I am not interested in slickness for the sake of slickness.
I am an underwater explorer, not a treasure hunter.
But remember, I am no politician, and no seer into souls.
I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm a wolf in wolf's clothing.
A man has a birthright to be tired and retired. I am retired completely.
I am not naive enough to settle for anything less than a reasonable valuation of my worth.
I am in love with the serendipitous poetry with which this universe expresses itself.
Discovery is fun. I am incredibly open to everything.
I am no dummy, mate, that's for sure.
I am cursed with the inability to sleep on planes - ever.