I am an architect, first.
I am frozen musically somewhere around 2004.
I am generally a very happy and easygoing person.
I am afloat on a sea of foaming joy and delight.
I am grateful that my horizons were not narrowed at the outset.
Let the consequences be what they will, I am determined to proceed.
I am growing meaner by the hour.
I am, to be quite honest, sick of hero stories.
My name is Michael Pennington, and I am not a comic character.
I am definitely a storyteller, but probably not a traditional Storyteller.
I am obsessed with ice cubes. Obsessed.
If I am peaceful…is not peace,/is getting used to harm.
And, as a matter of fact, I am the chairman of the Amadou Diallo Foundation.
I am hoping to film another ad in the summer for Carte Noire.
I am not allowing myself to get carried away.
I am still seeking to become firmly established as an actor.
I am a simple Buddhist monk - no more, no less.
If you think I'm over-the-top, I am.
I am a chatty person, but colossally discreet.
I am the greatest marital artist in the world.
I am in the prime of my senility.