I am a bit of a lefty on some issues.
I am definitely a person of color.
I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.
I am an honest, straight guy.
I am pretty tough as a boss.
I am an acquired taste.
I am convinced that in the arts, committees are useless.
I am just a nice, clean-cut Mongolian boy.
I'ma continue to make records, continue to make hits, continue to be what I am, legendary.
I am totally unattached to material items.
I am first of all from La Castellane and Marseille.
I am always early to work but sometimes late to other things.
I am in an industry that makes women feel bad about themselves, absolutely.
I am the Trolley of Love. Free rides before noon and after 11:58 am!
Whether Maycomb knows it or not, we're paying the highest tribute we can pay a man. We trust him to do right. It's that simple.' 'Who?' Aunt Alexandra never knew she was echoing her twelve-year-old nephew. 'The handful of people in this town who that...
I’m well aware that this—that I—am the first man to ever do this to her. And yes, as a guy, that fact makes it even better. You know who Neil Armstrong is, don’t you? Now tell me who the second guy was. Hell, tell me any other guy you know wh...
I am always on the edge of what I am doing. I do everything badly, sloppily, to get it over with so that I can get on to the next thing that I will do badly and sloppily so that I can then do nothing - which I do anxiously, distractedly, wondering al...
I do whatever pleases me, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. As I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand. I am your Father. You are the clay, I am the potter; you are all the work of my h...
To be always what I am - and so changed from what I was.
I've always tried to do my very best, and I want to be the very best age, whatever age I am.
I've told so many lies about my age I don't know how old I am myself.