I am not a food critic. Or a chef. Or even a professional writer. What I am schooled in the art of, however, is enjoying myself.
I am not obsessing. I am just sitting here perforating this post-it with a push-pin.
I am not scared of you, I am scare of these feelings.
I am not a fancy cook or an ambitious cook. I am a plain old cook.
I am naturally a thin person and I am 5'1" and putting on five or 10 pounds, that looks like a lot on me.
I am sure I am one of 2,000 film directors in the world that Tarantino admires.
I am love, I am music, she thinks. Let’s dance.
Mind is everything. Muscle - pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind.
I am a religious person, although I am not a believer.
The line between what I really am, and what I am on reel, is slowly diminishing.
I am very aware of being black and female because that's what I am.
While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things.
I am actually very in touch with all of my emotions, from joy to pain, and I am free with them.
I am six feet tall. I am not supposed to be afraid.
No, I am a crier and if people ever saw me privately they would be shocked at what a bowl of mush I am underneath it all.
I am opposed to heart attacks and cancer and strokes the way I am opposed to sin.
However I am is however I am. When you see me onstage or in the press, there's not a lot of thought and calculation that goes into it.
I am death; I am this blood, these ravaged lands, and this wanton destruction. – Panchali Draupadi
I am drunk with love; love is my drug. I am the rain and love is my earth.
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.
I am not in politics. 'President Mutombo?' No, no, no. There has never been a politician in my family, and I am not going to try to be the first one.