I was never a spy. I was with the OSS organization. We had a number of women, but we were all office help.
I did things like Shampoo and Heaven Can Wait. I don't know what those films were about. The women I played in them were not very empowered.
I have about 20 to 25 platonic relationships with women all across the board from professional to artistic and they always give little clues on what they like.
You know what? I'm really attracted to British women, there's something innately proper about them. However badly they behave their accent is so cute that it makes up for everything!
We see very, very high rates of C-sections, Cesarean sections, in India. Lots of reasons for it, high levels of malnutrition have meant that women have very small pelvic areas often, so if they have larger babies, it's very hard to deliver.
According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman.
With the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the international community sent out a clear message that gender based violence will not be tolerated.
John Currin's exaggerated realism and his twisted women kept me off balance, never knowing if they were sincere or ironic or some new emotion.
It's become impossible to enjoy most quality television shows because the hurt or endangered women device is so frequently used.
There's something real in women's intuition. It's an accurate signpost for decision making, but it usually bumps up against man's logic. So we have to put ego aside and listen to them.
I really want women to throw their shoulders back and stand up straight and use their big girl voices and not feel like they're compromising their femininity to be strong and smart.
Lesbians are likely to be drawn to stand-up, if only because it's cheaper to produce and therefore more accessible for women. But the very form of stand-up is masculine.
The intense campaigns against domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, and inequity in the schools all too often depend on an image of women as weak and victimized.
Also, it was a cultural moment that wasn't being represented in terms of women who were successful and had choices they didn't have before. They needed a show that they can watch that they felt like represented them.
Male and female gossip also sounds different, as women use more animated tones, more detail and more feedback.
I always thought that putting tons of reverb on my voice was kind of the equivalent of airbrushing. And I wanted other girls and women to hear a real female voice that wasn't completely manipulated.
I find more interesting roles for women in period pieces. I do personally like watching period films; I think you can really get lost in the fantasy of them.
In the grand scheme of things, a lot more women go through this than I think people realize or talk about, so that wasn't a problem for me as far as saying that I have endometriosis.
If you yell about one woman, you're not a misogynist. If I yell about Michelle Bachman, that doesn't make me a misogynist. If I compare all women to Michelle Bachman, then I'm a misogynist.
The young women in my classes are feisty and clever and believe, often with the passion of youthful optimism, that feminism is a battle already won. I worry for them - and for my daughters, too.
I was raised by an actress, and I watched all those women turn 60 and ask, Shouldn't get face work? My mother and Anne Bancroft said, We're not going to fall into that.