That which prematurely arrives at perfection soon perishes.
I have a bit of pride, which is always my downfall.
No rule is so general, which admits not some exception.
I am using soybean based ink, which is recyclable.
You're meant to be playing the distillation of evil, which can be anything.
That which does not come by logic, does not leave by logic.
Virtue is defined to be mediocrity, of which either extreme is vice.
Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.
I didn't write to become a director, which many people do.
One is punished by the very things by which he sins.
men do not suspect faults which they do not commit
Philosophy is one reason which could lead to death.
Every soul is a melody which needs renewing.
Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge.
There is no place for grief in a house which serves the Muse.
There are two atheisms of which one is a purification of the notion of God.
Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades.
I guess there seems to be clubs opening up again, which is strange.
The book is there for inspiration and as a foundation, the fundamentals on which to build.
And I had a lot to play, which is what you want as an actor.
I have always had this energy, which I think of as overdrive.