If certain songs become popular enough to the point where I'll be playing them the rest of my life, I don't want them all to dwell on the same down moment that I'll have to keep reliving.
What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes.
I wrote every day between the ages of 12 and 20 when I stopped because I went to Barcelona, where life was too exciting to write.
I am a goofy person, really. That's where my energy goes, that's how I live my life. The goof gene is very strong inside me, really.
Although I'm not from London originally: I moved down here when I was 16, so it's played a part in my life. It's where I've lived for all that time.
The thing about 'Batman Begins' is that he's a character that people thought they knew a lot about, and yet you're able to identify the spirit in his life where even in the comic books it's not explored that much.
I really don't work a whole lot as far as touring, but I do stand-up every night of my life, no matter where I am.
I try to find where the fun is and go there and then get asked if I want to have more fun. That's the way I want my life to go. Follow the fun.
At school, I was a shy lad and still am. But acting gives me licence to be up there, demanding the focus. It's the one time in my life where I don't have to shout to be heard.
Once you start thinking about where your products come from and what they 'do,' that's going to be an inherent part of your choice as you purchase products throughout your life.
'Brooklyn's Finest,' this is the kind of movie that's why I want to be an actor, to tell real-life stories. This is where I feel my job is, to interpret life.
I've always been known for bold flavors and rustic cooking, but there is another side to me. As you evolve as a cook, you understand life and how serious it is. There comes a point where there's got to be a better balance.
I think we live in a culture where it is really difficult to get privacy because everything is so accessible. It's very difficult to maintain your comfortable life with a sort of mystique.
What is that song that Willie Nelson sang? 'Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few.' I think of that. No big deal. I've reached a stage in my life where I am content.
Sometimes doors open and other close and you have to figure out which one you're going to take. I'm always for the one that's challenging. That's where I think you live your life to the fullest.
In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.
The bulk of life on Earth lives in a peaceful place where the temperature is stable. There's hunting going on, but it's very civilized, like a slow ballet.
Child actors come off as work being their life and doing it 24/7, but I still have those days where it's totally, like, whatever: shopping, movies, adventures.
Most people believe, more or less, that the value of a human life is the same, irrespective of where on the planet it happens to find itself. But, of course, not every life has the same value for us.
But most importantly, we can all be donors. It does not matter how old you are, your race, where you live; all of us can give the gift of life.
I don't like going where I've already been. Life is a myriad of territories to discover. I don't want to waste time with what I already know.