Put your money where your mouth is.
Where there's a will to condemn there is also evidence.
It is hard to steal where the host is a thief.
Little is done where many command.
Where there's no good within, no good comes out.
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches...
The tongue goes to where the tooth aches.
Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty.
Where the woman goes the devil follows.
Where wine appears the doctor disappears.
Where might is master, justice is servant.
Where might is the master, justice is the servant.
Where philosophy ends medicine begins.
Where the needle goes, the thread follows.
Where there is nothing to gain, there is a lot to lose.
Where profit is, loss is hiding nearby.
In the valley where there are no tigers the hare is king.
Where the heart loves, there the legs walk.
The rope will break where it is thinnest.
The heart is a tree; it grows where it wants.
Epigrams succeed where epics fail.