My first payback to society in life, was The Dolphin Project.
People don't know the past, even though we live in literate societies, because they don't trust the sources of the past.
Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.
The whole system of society tells you what to do.
Fashion is a language, for sure, and it is a reflection of society.
Acting, the arts in general, is a magnet for the wounded of society.
By 2007, Iraqi society had completely collapsed.
No emancipation without that of society.
Society therefore is an ancient as the world.
The toute ensemble was such as to make polished society blush, when compared with these savages.
Stability is why society has an interest in marriage.
Patriotism is the secret resource of a successful society.
Some Westerners […] have argued that the West does not have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists. Fourteen hundred years of history demonstrate otherwise.
Not the last time in Western history, the revolutionaries armed themselves with a new religion to steel themselves for greater outrageous.
in my dreams you walk dripping from a sea journey on the highway across America in tears to the door of my cottage in the Western night
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.
By imitating the manners and the mode of life of the West,the Muslims are being gradually forced to adopt the Western moral outlook: for the imitation of outward appearance leads,by degrees, to a corresponding assimilation of the world-view responsib... imitate Western civilization in its spirit, its mode of life and its social organization is impossible without dealing a fatal blow to the very existence of Islam as an ideological proposition.
For a Westerner, it is usually sufficient for a proposition to be logically sound. For a Chinese it is not sufficient that a proposition be logically correct, but it must be at the same time in accord with human nature.
The Western church needs to regain its confidence in the role of outsiders, relocators who come in humility and grace to learn first and then to offer a different perspective.
They talk about big skies in the western United States, and they may indeed have them, but you have never seen such lofty clouds, such towering anvils, as in Iowa in July.