But it is a law of life and development in history where two national civilizations meet they fight for ascendancy.
Throughout its history, Islam has borrowed and adapted from other civilizations, both ancient and modern.
Human civilization as we know it is like the Titanic headed for the iceberg, whether the iceberg be nuclear, environmental or terrorism-related.
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.
A truly great university is a nucleus of artistic expression. It fosters creative, critical thought, and serves as a platform for civil discourse.
It is only through books that we partake of the great harvest that is human civilization across the ages.
All great rebellions are born of private acts of civil disobedience that inspire rebel bands to plot together.
Women of quality are so civil, you can hardly distinguish love from good breeding.
For most of the world, civil and political rights... come as luxuries that are far away in the future.
In order for us to have a future that's exciting and inspiring, it has to be one where we're a space-bearing civilization.
Torture, including practices like waterboarding, violates the legal and moral standards of all civilized nations.
Progress in civilization has been accompanied by progress in cookery.
The Lincoln Memorial is related to the toga and the civilization that wore it.
I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized.
Armaments; extremely useful for fighting wars, a deadweight in any civil economy.
The city is the nerve center of our civilization. It is also the storm center.
But a multitude of people, even the two hundred million of the Chinese empire, cannot subsist without civil government.
The Queen Mary was the most civilized and luxurious way one could travel to America in the late 1930s.
Human civilization is not something achieved against nature; it is rather the outcome of the working of the innate qualities of man.
The civilized world needs to think about a decision when single politicians are not allowed to stay in power.
The first principle of a civilized state is that the power is legitimate only when it is under contract.