People ask me why I don't paint oils. It takes too long. Cleaning brushes in linseed oil, and it takes six months to really dry, and all this. I don't have that kind of time. I work with acrylic. It's water based. You can clean it under water. If you...
At the end of the day, I'm just trying to write a song that I like, that I'm not afraid to turn loose on the world. I do read a lot. I know a lot of people who read more, but I do try to keep a book in my hand most of the time, and I think that infor...
My usual day is I get up around 11 o'clock and do yoga and then eat afterwards. Then I have sound check and play soccer and do running with the guys in the band after sound check, and then do the show and eat dinner after the show and usually get to ...
Please, all you MCs out there, all you fans out there, don't think Big gonna make a record dissing 2Pac or the West Coast because it's not going down like that. I cant even see me wasting my time or my talent to disrespect another black man.
Club culture is always going to be a reflection of youth culture, but I think we're maybe moving into a time when the club is a place where older people can go, too. And it's a place people go to connect to themselves, it's not always about the party...
John: You should have gone west to America. You would have been a senior citizen of Boston. But you took a wrong turn, and what happened? You're a lonely old man from Liverpool. Grandfather: But I'm clean. John: Are you?
Faramir: Mithrandir! They broke through our defenses! They've taken the bridge and the west bank. Battalions of Orcs are crossing the river. Irolas: It is as the Lord Denethor predicted. Long has he forseen this doom. Gandalf: Forseen and done nothin...
Theoden: Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?
Harmonica: And Frank? Snaky: Frank sent us. Harmonica: Did you bring a horse for me? Snaky: Well... looks like we're... [snickers] Snaky: ...looks like we're shy one horse. Harmonica: You brought two too many.
Cheyenne: You know, Jill, you remind me of my mother. She was the biggest whore in Alameda and the finest woman that ever lived. Whoever my father was, for an hour or for a month - he must have been a happy man.
Cheyenne: Harmonica, a town built around a railroad. [laughs] Cheyenne: You could make a fortune. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hey, more than that. Thousands of thousands. Harmonica: They call them "millions." Cheyenne: "Millions." Hmm.
Jill: [stares at Harmonica from her window] Cheyenne. What's he waiting for out there? What's he doing? Cheyenne: He's whittling on a piece of wood. I got a feeling that when he stops whittling, something's gonna happen.
Frank: You've made a big mistake, Morton. When you're not on that train, you look like a turtle out of its shell. Just funny. Poor cripple talking big so nobody'll know how scared you are.
Frank: [Frank is trying to convince Harmonica to sell him the land Harmonica just won] Just hurry up and make the deal! Harmonica: Which deal Frank? We've got more than one to settle you and me.
[first lines] Station agent: Hey - hey hey hey hey, if you want any tickets, you'll have to go around to, eh, to, eh, the front of the, eh... oooh, well, I s'pose it'll be all right.
Wicked Witch of the West: Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of spears! Thought you were pretty foxy, didn't you? Well! The last to go will see the first three go before her! And your mangy little dog, too!
Wicked Witch of the West: Helping the little lady along are you, my fine gentlemen? Well stay away from her, or I'll stuff a mattress with you! And you, I'll make you into a beehive. Here Scarecrow, want to play ball?
Maria: If Chino hurts him, if he touches him, I swear to you I'll... Anita: You'll do what Tony did to Bernardo? Maria: I love Tony. Anita: I know. I loved Benardo.
Anybodys, Tomboy: I ain't never gonna get married. Too noisy. A-Rab: You ain't never gonna get married. Too ugly. Anybodys, Tomboy: [mimes firing a gun] Pow! A-Rab: Cracko Jacko! Down goes a teenage hoodlum.
Lieutenant Schrank: What I mean is... CLEAR OUT! That's right, all of you? [pause] Lieutenant Schrank: Oh, I know. It's a free country and I ain't got the right. But I got a badge. What've you got?
Lieutenant Schrank: At the gym last night, your brother got into a heavy argument because you danced with the wrong boy. Maria: Yes Lieutenant Schrank: Who was that boy? Maria: Another from my country. Lieutenant Schrank: And his name? Maria: Jose.