I'd love to write a country album with Adele.
I need music like I need water.
I refuse to make uninspired music.
I went to the Conservatory of Music in school in Rome.
In America, music is more tightly categorized.
To me, music is no joke and it's not for sale.
And woven into the fabric of this harsh existence was music.
I'm very strong creatively, in my music.
I've never seen the devil create music.
The marketing is just as important as the music, almost.
The roots of my music start from the ghetto.
Women communicate with all their senses. Men don't do that.
I've always been wary of marriage.
Marriage is such a mark of adulthood in my mind.
I don't like going to the gym.
With BitTorrent, the cat's out of the bag.
Silence is refreshment for the soul.
Nanotechnology is manufacturing with atoms.
I do a lot of Vegas work and work with the comedians.
There are so many hot, sexy women in L.A.
You have to be very careful with women friends.