I've been playing tennis, and just whatever sport is in front of me I will do.
I'm really into extreme sports and just having fun.
Tiger Woods is the only sports star who's worth every penny he makes.
The important thing about a sport is the people who devote their lives to it.
When I was younger, I was very athletic and I always loved sports and physical things.
I've always been a guy who wants to play sports, not watch them.
I don't think the sport is any more dangerous than it's ever been.
I'm a big sports fan. College football is my favorite.
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
The words 'success' and 'single' do go together, especially in Christ.
Success is always something that you have to recover from.
Last time I was in Jamaica I financed a teacher to teach in an orphanage.
People will dig their heels in and fight for the things they love and against the things they hate.
I love cover songs, but I always mess up the words!
My songs always speak of love, that's the way I like them.
I never studied jazz technically; I just know and love the music.
My love, growing up on the Prairies, was country music.
You meet someone, you care for them, and you fall in love; it's what it is.
I would love to play Lee in 'True West' and Bobby in 'Company.'
Surfing is my passion because I love being active on the water.
I love the role that men play in our lives.