Every day you learn something new.
I never excluded any genre on my first record.
I'm not supposed to miss you, I'm not supposed to care
I don't really feel part of any particular movement.
I am not in competition with my peers; I am in competition with myself.
It was all recorded and mixed and there's more continuity in it more direction.
Reject what you don't want. Get rid of dead wood.
The song 'Laughing Down Crying' is not a typical Daryl song.
Sometimes I Curse My Love Affair with Life
Questions create the only light that can permeate a formidable truth.
There's no better feeling than being on a Broadway stage for me.
I just feel like the songs that come out are the songs that come.
I produced a song for Bobby Vee called Get The Message.
You try to avoid the mistakes you made in the past.
I learn fast and I take note of what I've been told.
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
I guess men like me - somebody out there must think I'm hot.
Women rule men's lives - every decision a man makes is based on a woman.
Theatre is an exclusive place that tends to be dominated by white men, or dying white men.
That's what the sari is about. Everything is covered, yet a peep of an ankle can be a turn on for men.
Mystery Men you can take grandma, you can take everyone to see this film.