I couldn't even get an audition for network TV at home in Ireland.
For all practical purposes I left home when I was 7.
I love coming back to Neath - this is home and always will be.
Well, after the divorce, I went home and turned all the lights on!
The last thing I wanna do is sit home and watch television.
My idea of heaven used to be relaxing at home with a cheese plate and champagne.
It's very difficult leaving the house anytime with my baby at home.
I don't know if I'm truly at home in any language.
I'm home about two days a month, and on those I have to pack.
I grew up in a very devoutly Christian home.
To me luxury is to be at home with my daughter, and the occasional massage doesn't hurt.
If I want to relax and not do anything, I don't want to leave home.
I like bad boys, and I like to take them home to my mom.
I'm happy to be at home with the kids, in my flannel pajamas; that's a treat.
When people are away from home, they do things they might not normally do.
I have a home in Salt Lake, and I have a home in Malibu, at the beach.
My worst job was working in the laundry of a nursing home.
Many U.S. investors are already investing overseas rather than at home.
This is my idea of heaven, coming home and watching the news.
I speak relatively little, except when I'm at home and I'm asking for things.
I'm a massive shopper. Topshop, Urban Outfitters - I'm pretty at home on the high street.