It's like James Brown used to say... I don't know, but whatever I play it's got to be funky.
We partied with the royal rich people, and we felt like rock stars. We drank all the whiskey in the place.
I had piano lessons when I was younger, but I quit because I didn't want to sit and learn the scales.
I want to be the first Conor Maynard. I think I want to have a successful career that is unique in its own way.
A dog is grateful for what is, which I am finding to be the soundest kind of wisdom and very good theology.
I started to hate fame, I didn't want to go out, because I didn't want to be recognised for what I was being recognised for.
I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but there is no scriptural or historical basis for December 25th actually being the day that Jesus was born.
People such as Hunter S. Thompson and the Beats were a huge influence on me, not just in what they were saying, but how they said it.
The number of children is not growing any longer in the world. We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child.
I think when you're writing songs, it's impossible to not draw on personal experiences, whether it be traveling or girls or anything. Just emotions.
There are people we look up to, like Lady Gaga and what she's built. She's not afraid to own who she is.
It's fun to be an actor and dress up, but I'm happy being me and just loving accepting my personal style.
Writing, overall, has never been what I'd call fun. It's fulfilling. It doesn't come real easy for me.
The West in general should stand up more for its own values. It is not always worthwhile to compromise.
I have a hot memory, but I know I've forgotten many things, too, just squashed things in favor of survival.
I never believed that U2 wanted to save the whales. I don't believe that The Beastie Boys are ready to lay it down for Tibet.
I know I'm not gonna please everybody when I make a record. I don't let that affect any of my decisions.
I had no idea 'Big Green Tractor' was going to be as big a hit as it was. You just can't predict those things.
But there is a big difference in working for the West and working for a totalitarian state.
The thing that fuels me the most is the desire to be on stage. And singing is the ultimate way of expressing all the emotions that I have inside.
VH1 does its little '80s retro thing once in a while, all of us in our bad hairdos and unfortunate clothes.